Horse Muesli foto

Performance Plus Mix

Performance Plus Mix is a premium blend with oats

Instructions for use

WATER: 30 - 50 litres of fresh water / day
RAIN FEED: 1.2kg - 2kg dry / 100kg body weight
HORSE FEED: 0.5kg - 0.9kg / 100kg body weight
with a maximum of 2kg per feed


Bags of 20kg

Performance Plus Mix

Performance Plus Mix is a premium blend with oats

Performance Plus Mix is a premium mixture with oats that contains all the additives to support a healthy digestive system and deliver absolute top performance.

Instructions for use

WATER: 30 - 50 litres of fresh water / day
RAIN FEED: 1.2kg - 2kg dry / 100kg body weight
HORSE FEED: 0.5kg - 0.9kg / 100kg body weight
with a maximum of 2kg per feed


Bags of 20kg

Voeders Lannoo-Martens BV
Eugeen Meeusstraat 6, 2170 Merksem (Belgium)
KBO 0461.284.884
RPR Antwerp, division Antwerp

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